Panle Barwick

Position title: The Todd E. and Elizabeth H. Warnock Distinguished Chair Professor


Phone: (608)264-2973

7422 Social Sciences Building

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Panle Jia Barwick is the Todd E. and Elizabeth H. Warnock Distinguished Chair Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her areas of expertise include industrial organization, Chinese economy, environmental and energy economics, and applied econometrics. Her recent research examines environmental policies, industrial policies and transportation policies, with a focus on China. She co-founded and currently serves as a board member of Cornell Institute for China Economic Research. She is a research associate in NBER’s Industrial Organization program, an editor for the Journal of Industrial Economics, associate editor for the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Rand Journal of Economics, and International Journal of Industrial Organization. She received her PhD in economics from Yale University in 2006.